30-Day Trial Version
Copyright © 2000-2008 SkyWriter Software
email: support@skywritersoft.com
web: http://www.skywritersoft.com
FlyBy Nav is released as shareware and must be registered for continued use. The author assumes no responsibility for damages caused by this program.
Please read the License Agreement and Disclaimer found in this document.
Make sure to back up your data before installing the program.
Depending on the data files you select, you will need up to 2 MB of free memory in your device.This is the 30-Day Trial version of FlyBy Nav for Pocket PC computers.
It is a full version of the program with "Nag" screens. Registering removes the time limit and "Nag" screens.
You are free to use this program for up to 30 days in order to evaluate it. If you continue to use it beyond 30 days, you must purchase and register it. For purchase/registration information, please visit our web site http://www.skywritersoft.com or Handango at http://www.handango.com.
To run FlyBy Nav you need:
Computer running PocketPC 2002/Windows CE 3.x, and PocketPC 2003/Windows Mobile, on ARM, SH3, MIPS microprocessors.
Minimum 2000 KB free memory. Amount varies depending on database installed.
(Smaller regional data files are available from our data download web page.)
Install steps:
1. Run the "FlyByNavInstall.exe" file and follow the setup screen instructions. Please install into the default directory only. The data files cannot be loaded onto an external memory card.When you run the FlyBy Nav Pro program you will see an introduction screen with an input line on the top right hand corner. If you have paid for the program then insert your registration code there and press "OK". If you are going to demo the program for the 30-day period, that screen will show each time your run the program.
Simply delete FlyBy Nav using the Pocket PC "Remove Programs" application. Do not delete FlyBy Nav if you are continuing to use FlyBy Nav Pro. Doing so will remove the waypoint data files and FlyBy Nav Pro will no longer be able to access the waypoint information.
To register FlyBy Nav you will need to provide your device owner name. This is the name that is normally displayed on your "Today Screen". You must provide the name exactly as it appears. The registration code is generated from your name and is case sensitive. If your "Today Screen" still says "Tap here to set owner information" then please enter your name before registering the program.
For example "Tom Smith" is the owner name from this "Today Screen":
The program will only run on the computer in which it was registered.
You may purchase FlyBy Nav from our web site http://www.skywritersoft.com or at Handango http://www.handango.com. You will receive your registration code by email after purchasing the software.
Please record you registration number on paper, and in a safe memorable location. If FlyBy Nav is ever re-installed you will need to input the registration code again.
FlyBy Nav displays the registration screen each time you start an unregistered copy of it. Simply input the registration code in the upper right hand corner of the registration screen and press "OK".
If you had saved any data during your trial period it will still be fully accessible after registration.
FlyBy Nav update notices will be emailed to registered users. If you change your email address please let us know.
Minor changes will be upgraded free of charge.
FlyBy Nav has been designed so that you really shouldn't need to read this manual to use all of its features.
We have tried to keep this program quick and simple. In no way is it made to replace your PC flight planning software, or Jeppessen database GPS.
In case you have never used a GPS or FMS before remember: "GARBAGE IN = GARBAGE OUT!"
The software does not have some psychic ability to know exactly where a waypoint is. If you change the waypoint's latitude or longitude or variation it will navigate to the new location. Please do not always assume that a computed track and distance to an airport are correct! Someone could have changed the waypoint data or it could have been corrupted during file transfer.
The waypoint database is yours to modify. You can freely edit/delete records. You are also not tied into a subscription for the data if you chose. The waypoint database is one large file containing all types of navaids and airports with data from the U.S. flight data center.
All U.S. airports start with a "K". For example, KSEA is SeaTac airport, SEA is the VOR.
The program follows standard conventions so if you are familiar with the programs that came with your computer then you should not have any troubles. The round buttons can be tapped to take you to another screen. The downward pointing triangles open a drop-down list from which you can select an item. Input lines where you can enter data into are outlined with a solid black line. You can either use Graffiti or the onscreen keyboard to enter data into these lines. Items in dotted boxes take you to another screen where you can change the value that is displayed in the box.
When you start FlyBy Nav you will see the main navigation screen shown below. From here you will be able to perform most of the calculations that you will need for basic flight planning between two points.
The first thing you will probably want to do is select or create an aircraft file to use. Pressing the aircraft name in the upper right hand corner will take you to the Aircraft Info screen.
The aircraft data contains simple average cruise performance. We have included many different aircraft types with data from pilots currently flying that type. Feel free to add/edit/delete any of them. You may store up to 30 different aircraft types here.
The Cost input is used for quick charter calculations using cost per statute mile. The program always rounds off to the nearest mile when multiplying the rate by the distance.
The performance data does not include altitude or climb descent data, so you will have to take that into consideration by inputting a "Flight Time Bias" and "Fuel Burn Bias". Most pilots have a rule of thumb such as add 5 minutes and 400 pounds of fuel to the cruise data to take climb and approach into consideration. The higher and faster your aircraft flies, the more you will have to add to the Bias values.When the Flight Time Bias has been applied to the calculation you will see an asterisk "*" beside the Ground Speed input line. This is to let you know that the value displayed is not the average ground speed but the "cruise" value. The same is true if a Fuel Burn Bias has been added you will see the "*" beside the Fuel Flow input line.
Note: If your aircraft performance varies considerably from season to season you could create one aircraft with winter data and one with summer data. Simply end the Type with W or S. For example, BE-100W for winter and BE-100S for summer.
After you have selected your aircraft type press OK and you will return to the main Nav screen.
Type in your departure waypoint beside the "From:" button. The program searches the database as you type. If it is not found in the database you will see "Not Found" displayed below it and the track and distance will zero out.
Note: The waypoints are always stored in capital letters. If you are entering text in lower case and a waypoint is found matching what you have typed you will see your writing automatically changed to upper case.
Next type in your destination waypoint beside the "To:" button.
If you cannot think of the ICAO identifier for a given waypoint pressing the "From:" or "To:" buttons will take you to the Waypoint Search screen.
The Search screen is used for searching the waypoint database using three different methods.
1. You can select "Full Name" search and type in the city name. As you type you will see the closest match always displayed in the window below. If you see "Not found" then stop typing as the waypoint cannot be found.
2. Selecting "Identifier" search is much like typing the identifier on the main Nav screen except it will also display the closest match as you type.
3. The last method is to use the up and down buttons on the right of the input line or the up/down hardware button. Each press will take you up or down one record in the database at a time.
When you have found the waypoint you want pressing "OK" will insert it in the appropriate departure or destination points on the Nav screen.
The screen will now display all the information for your direct routing trip.
You may change the units of the track to Magnetic (Mag), True or Grid, by pressing the down facing triangle on the track line. The distance units can be chosen as Nautical Miles (Nm), Statute Miles (Sm), Kilometers (Km) and Cost ($$). The Ground speed line units can be chosen as Nautical Miles per hour (Kts), Statute Miles per hour (Mph) and Kilometers per hour (Kph).
Two track numbers are displayed. They represent your great circle track. The first number is the track from the departure point and the last number is the track at your destination.Here is an example of the accuracy of the tracks FlyBy Nav calculates:
If you look at the "Jeppesen" US HI7 airway chart, J-42 from MEM (Memphis, vortac) to BNA (Nashville, vortac), you will see the outbound radial from MEM is 065 and the inbound radial to BNA is 250. The distance is published at 175 Nm.
Now compare those values to the FlyBy Nav screen below. Remember to subtract 180 from the final track to get the VOR radial.
Next you will probably want to input a wind vector into the trip. Simply press the "Wind" button and you will see the wind input screen.
The TAS will have defaulted to your TAS from the Aircraft file you selected. Type in the wind speed and direction, press OK, and the new ground speed will be inserted into the Nav screen.
If you wish to enter more time enroute simply press the ETE input and select the minutes up to a value you want to add. When you press one of the hour/minute/seconds digits you will see the select arrow display over the digit. The up and down triangles will increase or decrease the digit selected.
Press "OK" and new ETE will be inserted. You will also see the corresponding Ground speed and the Fuel Burn change to reflect the new time.
If you want to add more taxi/climb fuel burn simply type in a new total fuel burn value. The block fuel flow will change to reflect the average fuel burn.
As you can see, the FlyBy Nav screen is like a "scratch pad" where you can change any one value and the other related values will automatically be updated as you input.
The "SUN" function in FlyBy Nav also calculates Civil Twilight (beginning of Day and Night), High Noon (Apex), and the Sunrise and Sunset times of the sun on the APPARENT HORIZON for a given location. The APPARENT HORIZON is zero degrees (level with the horizon at sea level) and does not take into account any local variations in the ACTUAL HORIZON as seen from an observer at cruise altitude, or from within valleys, or mountain ranges. All times are displayed in GMT. Otherwise known as Greenwich Mean, Zulu or UTC (Co-ordinated Universal Time). These times need to be converted to the local time zone of the specified location.
A special added feature allows you to find the sun's elevation (as seen from sea level) and azimuth (bearing). By entering the appropriate GMT, you will see a display of the sun's elevation at that time. Elevation is displayed in degrees above the Apparent sea level horizon. A negative number for the elevation means the sun is below the horizon. Displayed under the elevation, is the magnetic and true azimuth of the sun. If you pointed your aircraft directly at the sun at the GMT time, you could set your Directional Gyro to the Azimuth displayed. This feature is especially useful in determining if a given runway will have you looking directly into the sun when you land and take-off.
To perform a SUN calculation, you will need to first specify a location where the event is to be observed. From the FlyBy - Search Waypoints screen simply enter the waypoint ident. (You could also enter an enroute location by editing a waypoint and creating a new temporary waypoint from your current Latitude and Longitude.) Once you have selected the waypoint simply select the "SUN" button in the upper right hand corner of the screen.
The current date and time from your Palm is automatically entered into the calculations. If you do not keep your Palm's time in GMT then you will need to enter the current GMT manually into the time input or enter a GMT offset. The GMT offset input can be found at the top of the ETA screen. If you use a GMT offset then you may need to change its value whenever you change from Daylight Savings time.
Pressing the small "x" button on the main FlyBy Nav screen takes you to the FlyBy Fix feature.
This function creates a position using Place/Bearing/Distance inputs.
Simply enter your reference waypoint (Ref. Point), a bearing and a distance and a Latitude and Longitude will be calculated for the new location. Pressing the "Save Position" button will take you to the waypoint edit screen where you can name the waypoint and save it in the main data file.
Pressing the small "+" button on the main FlyBy Nav screen takes you to the FlyBy Plot feature.
This function creates a position that is along your track line.
The Plot feature is a very useful tool for drawing your track line if your departure and destination points are on two different maps. If you track is mainly East-West then simply enter a convenient Longitude that is on the first map. The point that your track crosses that Longitude will be calculated so that you may draw a line from your departure point to that longitude. If your track is mostly North-South then it would be more accurate for you to enter a crossing Latitude.
You will see the From and To waypoint Latitude and Longitude above and below the Latitude and Longitude input lines. Use these as references so that you do not enter values that are not along your track. If you do enter values outside your From and To waypoints the calculated value will be overwritten with "--" characters.
Pressing the "Save Position" button will take you to the waypoint edit screen where you can name the waypoint and save it in the main data file. Plotting on a Latitude is a more complex calculation then plotting on a Longitude. There is a possibility on long East-West tracks that the track line will cross the same latitude twice. If this happens both longitudes will be displayed and you will have the option to save either position.In this example 42 degrees North was entered (Oregon California border), and 120'30.9 West was computed as the point your track crosses the California border. The great circle track was defined from the main FlyBy Nav screen as KBFI-KLAX.
Pressing the "Edit" button from the Waypoint Search screen will take you to the Waypoint Edit screen. Here you can modify or add any waypoint in the database.
The ident must be in upper case and cannot exceed 7 characters in length.
To change the Latitude or Longitude hemisphere, simply tap the appropriate "N","S" or "E","W" box. The same goes for the magnetic variation input.
If you are entering Latitude and Longitude data from a source that is in Degrees and decimal Minutes you can enter that format without having to convert the decimal seconds. For example if the Latitude was N 33 degrees, 45.5 minutes. You could type 45.5 into the minutes input and the program will automatically convert the decimal into 30 seconds and display it.
To make inputting data into this page easier, the input lines will automatically change all text entry to capital letters.
You may add a note to any waypoint in the database. The note is kept in a separate data file and is associated with the waypoint identifier. If you update the main waypoint database your notes will not be changed. This is a good place to store frequencies, alternate airports, weather data, hotel info and FBO data.
The Airport file contains only "public use" as defined by the NFDC. "Public Use" is simply a data value that we use to filter the NFDC airport data file. There are many airports that are used by the public that are not included in this file.
The data was compiled from the NFDC airport and navaid database.
In the highly unlikely event that you find and error in the FlyBy Nav program or data files please email a detailed explanation to:
support@skywritersoft.com. Please write "FlyBy Nav ERROR" in the subject line and include as much information as you can about the problem. If an error is found and corrected the reply email will include an updated FlyBy Nav program file for you to install.
Q: What do I do if my registration code does not work?
A: Record the Key numbers the program displays and email them to us (support@skywritersoft.com). We will then be able to determine why your code is not working and send you a corrected number. To display the key numbers select the menu key, then "Help", and then "Reg.Key" when you run FlyBy Nav.
Q: I want the program to use cruise performance data for different cruise altitudes. How can I do that?A: You can input up to 30 aircraft cruise numbers. So you could save your aircraft type name with an altitude reference. Using the Convair 580 (CV580) at 10,000' as an example you could save: Type: CV580@10, Speed: 280, Fuel Flow: 2900. Then for 20,000 feet you could save: Type: CV580@20, Speed: 280, Fuel Flow: 2200.
Q: The database does not contain an airport that I need. How can I input my own waypoints?
A: From the main FlyBy Nav screen, press either "From" or "To" buttons. On the next screen press "Edit". This will take you to the waypoint edit screen from where you can edit the current waypoint or input a new one.
Q: I want to use gallons/hour instead of pounds/hour for my fuel flow. How do I change the units?
A: Fuel flow is not unit specific. You may use what ever units you want as long as it is units/hour.
Q: Will FlyBy Nav work outside of the U.S.A.?
A: Yes! You can input any airports and navaids into the program.
Q: How do I add waypoints to the drop down lists beside the "From" and "To" input lines?
A: Any time you find a waypoint using the FlyBy - Search Waypoints screen and click "OK", the waypoint ident is added to the appropriate list. This feature works much like the "Most Recent" file list you see in many Windows programs. As you add more waypoints the earlier ones are dropped off the bottom of the list.
13 April 2000
FlyBy Nav History
13 April 2000
Version 1.1
- Fixed problem with shareware detecting user name in Palm VII.
- Removed multiple "Nag" screens from being displayed.
06 July 2000
Version 1.2
New Feature added.
- Transfer button "<>". Exchanges "From" and "To" waypoints.
13 July 2000
Version 1.3
Bug fix.
-Distance and Groundspeed units were not loading correctly during program start.
14 September 2000
Version 1.3 update
-Added Registration key and code display in Help menu.
-Reduced number of "Nag" screens.
5 November 2000
Version 1.4
-Added drop down "Favorites" waypoints for From and To waypoint inputs.
-Added hardware Page Up and Page Down button for scrolling through waypoint database on FlyBy - Search Waypoint
2 December 2000
Version 1.41
Bug Fix:
-Fixed problem with no 30 day trial during December.
18 January 2001
Version 1.5
-Added Flight Time and Fuel Burn Bias to Aircraft Performance file.
-Nav screen now displays Heading information.
4 February 2001
Version 1.51
-Startup screen change.
-Lengthened Ident and State data field inputs.
-Waypoint information display changed to scrollable text box.
-Fixed bug in "From" drop down list.
Version 1.52
-Fixed bug in Grid Heading display on main Nav screen.
18 February 2001
Version 1.53
-Fixed bug in Note feature and added note to waypoint information display.
22 March 2001
Version 1.54
-Added Edit menu with Cut, Copy and Paste functions to the Palm clipboard.
-Fixed duplicate waypoints displaying in "Favorites" drop down lists.
19 April 2001
Version 1.55
-Fixed "Favorites" drop down files from being automatically saved by the CASL conduit. These files are
no longer backed up to the PC.
15 May 2001
Version 1.56
-Added GMT offset feature and "Now" button to the "Time Off" ETA screen. The program also saves
your departure time when you exit and restores it on startup.
26 May 2001
Version 1.6
-Added Sun calculations.
28 September 2001
Version 1.7
-Added Plot and Place/Bearing/Distance calculations.
-Upgraded to CASL runtime v3.2.
-Fixed Sun calculation error in Eastern Longitudes.
14 February 2002
Version 1.8
-Added color support.
-Compiled with CASL Pro.
-Fixed up/down hardware button screen refresh problem.
-AC screen now displays last selected aircraft after "SelectAC" has been displayed on the main nav screen.
15 July 2003
- Converted to run on Pocket PC
3 Sept. 2003
- Added automatic screen size adjust when onscreen keyboard displayed.
30 June 2004
- Enlarged Lat. and Long input boxes on Waypoint Edit screen.
23 Aug. 2006
- Updated to CASL 4.3
- Now compatible with Windows Mobile 5.0 and ActiveSync 4.0
The responsibility for ensuring that the answers given by this program are accurate enough for your purposes lies entirely with you. FlyBy Nav is sold "as is" without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, warranties of title or implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the quality, accuracy, adequacy, completeness, correctness and validity of any computed results rests with you. Under no circumstances shall the author and distributors be liable for any incidental or consequential costs, expenses, or damages arising out of the use of FlyBy Nav. SkyWriter Software is not responsible for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that may result from the use of, or the inability to use, FlyBy Nav. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in no event shall SkyWriter Software's total liability to you for any and all claims, damages, losses, and causes of action exceed the amount paid by you for the FlyBy Nav program.
Warning: FlyBy Nav is not approved by the FAA or other agencies or the Ministry for use in flight planning or flight operations.
Ownership of the Software
1. The enclosed Licensor FlyBy Nav(tm) software program ("Software") and the accompanying written materials
are owned by Licensor and are protected by Canadian Copyright Laws, by laws of other nations, and by international
Grant Of License
2. Licensor grants to you the right to use one copy of the Software on a single Pocket PC (tm) ("Device").
You may load one copy into storage memory of one Device and may use that copy only on that same Device.
Restrictions on Use and Transfer
3. If this Software package contains multiple media types, then you may use only type media appropriate for your
computer. You may not use the other size media on another computer or loan, rent, transfer, or assign them to another
user except as part of the permanent transfer of the Software and all written materials (as provided for below).
4.You may not copy the Software, except that (1) you may make one copy of the Software solely for backup or archival
purposes, and (2) you may transfer the Software to a single hard disk provided you keep the original solely for
backup or archival purposes. You may not copy or reproduce the written materials.
5. You may permanently transfer the Software and accompanying written materials (including the most recent update
and all prior versions) if you retain no copies and the transferee agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement.
Such a transfer terminates your license. You may not rent or lease the Software or otherwise transfer or assign
the right to use the Software, except as stated in this paragraph.
6. You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based
on the SOFTWARE and/or written materials without the prior written consent of SkyWriter Software
This license is effective until terminated. It may be terminated by you by destroying the SOFTWARE. It will terminate
automatically if you fail to comply with any provisions of this license agreement, and upon such termination you
shall destroy the SOFTWARE and all written materials. SkyWriter Software retains all rights not expressly granted.
Nothing in this License agreement constitutes a waiver of SkyWriter Software's rights under Canadian, US, or other
Copyright laws or any other federal, provincial, territory, or state law.
SkyWriter Software warrants that the storage media on which the software is distributed and the documentation are
free from defects in material and workmanship. SkyWriter Software will replace defective media or documentation
at no charge, provided you return them, with dated proof of payment, to SkyWriter Software within 30 days of the
date of receipt. If SkyWriter Software is unable to replace defective media or documentation, SkyWriter Software
will refund the SOFTWARE purchase price. These are your sole remedies for any breach of warranty.
Except as specifically provided above, SkyWriter Software makes no warranty or representation, either express or
implied, with respect to this software or documentation, including their quality, performance, merchantability,
or fitness for a particular purpose.
In no event will SkyWriter Software be liable for loss of profit, bodily injury, or direct, indirect, special,
incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or documentation,
even if advised of the possibility of such damages. In no case shall SkyWriter Software's liability exceed the
amount of the SOFTWARE purchase price.
Because software is inherently complex and may not be completely free of errors, you are advised to verify the
computed results.
The warranty and remedies set forth above are exclusive and in lieu of all others, oral or written, express or
SkyWriter Software reserves the right to make modifications to the SOFTWARE, database format, and manual at any
time and without notice. SkyWriter Software is not obligated to provide future versions of, or support for FlyBy
Nav.The SOFTWARE and documentation is protected by copyright. SkyWriter Software. All rights reserved.
This manual, all of the text, the FlyBy Nav program, data files and the look
and feel of the FlyBy Nav program are copyrighted © 2000-2008 by SkyWriter Software.
Graffiti, HotSync®, PalmPilot, Palm, PalmOS, Palm Desktop are trademarks of or copyrighted by Palm, Inc. All
rights reserved.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft, Inc.
Apple is a trademark of Apple Computer, Inc.
Last Updated 08 Sept. 2008