Relative Humidity

Calculates Relative Humidity, Heat Index, approximate cumulus (cu) cloud base above ground elevation (if cloud forming conditions exist), and Wind Chill.

Weather is downloaded directly from the NOAA web site:
Output is very similar to the ACARS feature of many FMC units. The downloaded weather is retained so that you can view what you have retrieved even when offline.
Pressing the refresh button will send another download request. Pressing the trash button will delete all of the stored data for the METAR, TAF and Decoded Wx pages.
The date and UTC time displayed after the @ character is from your devices clock and time zone settings and indicates the time the data was received on your device.
The weather output area is restricted to hold approximately 50 weather requests. Once you exceed that amount the older data will be removed from the display.
Moving the slider control at the bottom of the screen changes the printed weather font size so you can customize the display to your zoom preference:

ISA Deviation

International Standard Atmosphere (ISA) temperature deviation. Input Indicated Altitude, True Outside Air Temperature (TOAT) Static Air Temperature (SAT) and your Altimeter Setting. ISA temperature and temperature deviation from ISA will be calculated.